Friday, January 21, 2011

The Excitement Continues

Today was a busy day. 7 stops with reading, reflecting and devouring knowledge.

The theme that has kept popping up in my reflections has been excitement. My excitement, the excitement of my fellow pilgrims, the excitement 2000 years ago of the residents of the Galilee region. We started our journey by taking a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. You can see little villages that dot the hills in the area, and I could imagine the word spreading from village to village about a messiah being in the area.

We stopped at the Church of the Beatitudes and read the beatitudes while looking over a natural theater setting next to the Sea of Galilee. How did those people feel when they heard Jesus' message? I am sure that some were angry because they wanted a messiah to lead a violent revolution, others were probably uneasy at his message because it made them uncomfortable, or excited because the message resonated with them. This made me think about how his message makes me feel and especially what does my response need to be.

We also went to Tagbha which is where we commemorate the feeding of the multitudes. Again, I thought of the excitement of the crowd that would traverse around the Sea of Galilee to meet up with Jesus. What were they thinking? What were their needs? What did their children think of all of this? Was there a family like mine in the crowd? For me this story makes me reflect on the trust I have in the Lord. The disciples had to trust that they could feed 5,000 with a few loaves of bread and some fish. This made me reflect on things in my life that I am reluctant to turn over to God. Why don't I trust 100%?

We are having a great time and the weather is incredible. We got back early today and we enjoyed a sunset over the Sea of Galilee sitting in our deck chairs. Wish you were here.

I will upload some pictures later. Supper is served.


  1. Thanks for sharing your day. You walked today where Jesus walked!

  2. David Lohnes,
    Thank you for such insightful and wonderfully descriptive relfections. I am sure everyone reading will feel encouraged to rethink their notion of trust and how it connects them to God and His first pilgrims! Thanks, also, for the picture postings. They are worth a thousand words. So glad to hear everyone is having a great time as well as enjoying incredible weather. Another gift from God! Our prayers continue to go out to all. Muffinette
