Saturday, January 29, 2011

We are Back!

We got in to Wooster after noon. Just in time for Fr. Steve to get back to his flock.

Pools of Bethesda

On  our last day we saw the pools where Jesus healed the paralytic.

We are in Philly

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Yad Vashem

Today, January 27, is International Holocaust Remembrance Day and this was the day that we visited Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem. Two years ago I was deeply moved here. This day was no different.

On the grounds there is a memorial to the 1,500,000 children who were killed in the Holocaust. This memorial does an incredible job of representing the souls of these children. Even before I stepped in to the memorial, I started thinking of the children in my life; my nieces and nephews, my children, friends from church, work and school. The pain would be tremendous to have just one die, but to lose half of them because of hatred would be unbearable.

Christina Taylor Green, the 9 year old, recently shot and killed in Arizona gives me a glimpse at this hurt. A needless death that is oh so difficult to understand. How difficult it must be for the neighbor that took her to this event. Even though this neighbor is guilty of nothing more than being a friend, I am afraid that they could be blaming themselves. I so empathize with their pain.

Remember that life is precious and every day is a once-in-lifetime event. There is no rewind on our lives.

Working for Falafel

Mohommed at the Old City Fast Food Stand

If you are short on cash you can always help him out

Try making your own falafel with this great recipe from DeDeMed.

Good news and bad news

We are having a great time, and it gets to continue. Flights are cancelled in Philly so we are staying a day longer. We will be getting back on Saturday morning.

One Last Mission

We just spent the morning in the Old City. Some of us walked on the ramparts from the Jaffa Gate to the Damascus Gate. It was fun to be out on our own without the tour guide. We started recognizing places we had visited and didn't feel so lost.

Mary Jicha saw Donna knitting socks on the plane and told her about a friend who buys yarn on her travels and makes socks from them. So we had a mission this morning. Find sock yarn in Jerusalem. We went to the textile section of shops in the Old City and they directed us to go outside the Damascus gate and ask for Abu Abdulla (sic). We started heading that way, but got distracted at a falafel stand and even got to make our own falafel. We ate the lamb and falafel pitas in a hooka bar across the alley as the old men smoked and drank coffee and young children ran around. It was really nice.

When we got outside the gate and crossed the street we ask a grocery store owner where Abu Abdulla was at. He didn't understand English or the name, but when I pantomimed knitting he told be to take a left and go 3. Three what I didn't know, but we headed that way. We found a tailor and went in and there was a beautiful lady who spoke better English then me ;-). She told us to keep on going down the street and it would be next to a sweet shop. As we were walking Donna saw ribbon in the back of a store. We went back and I was certain she was back in the stock room, but no one said anything to her. There she found some beautiful St. Mary blue sock yarn.

Mission Accomplished.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

And then we road Charlie the Camel

I was insistent on getting a camel ride and it was fun. Turns out that 11 of us went for a ride. It was a good day for Mohommed the camel jockey.

Challenging Us at the Garden

Fr. Steve gave a very powerful homily in a very powerful place. The Garden of Gethsemane is one of my favorite places in Jerusalem, and that was where we headed to first thing this morning. Its ancient olive trees, an incredible church, and its location across the valley from the Eastern gate on the Mount of Olives make it quite an experience.

This is the place where the disciples could not stay awake for even an hour after Jesus had asked them to do that while he went and prayed. Each time he found them asleep he told them to awake and pray. He could of told them go away, but he stuck with them, even in their weakness.

Fr. Steve ask us if there has there been a time when we have stood by someone in their time of need, even when are head is telling us that they have brought this on themselves, but we know in our heart that we need to support them? This made me think what I have done and haven't done for the homeless that live less then a mile from my house under a bridge in Wooster. My office has taken them food, but they need more support. Physical, spiritual, mental. Maybe I just need to stop and spend time listening to them. Maybe it is breaking bread with them.

Above all, I can't harden my heart to my fellow man. I don't want to be the one that just drives by and points them out. I want them to know that same love that I have received from our community. Please pray that I will find the strength and wisdom to treat my neighbor as myself.

A sign on a church we visited said:
"If you enter here as a tourist we hope you leave a pilgrim.
If you enter here as a pilgrim we hope you leave holier."

I pray that each of my fellow pilgrims and others following along have grown holier through our experiences.


Learning about the Dead Sea scrolls.


Half the group was heroic and hiked down from mountain top palaces.

Dead Sea Ag

Date palms

Garden of Gethsemane

More prayer after mass.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

And We Took Photos

Here are 600+ photos that Jim Jicha has taken already.

Emotion, Excitement and Exercise

When Yair, our beloved tour guide, told us our wake-up call for today would be 4:30am I groaned inside, however I didn't hear anyone on the bus groan out loud which made me very pleased.

We left the hotel at 5:30am to head for the Jaffa Gate. Five minutes later we were entering the Old City with the stars still in the sky. What a treat. It was so quiet, with all of the shops shuttered. A few cats were running around and a lady was locking up a mosque as she was leaving. Past experiences of the Old City had been so busy, hectic, and confusing that it seemed like this morning we were sneaking in before it was opening.

We walked into the Church of the Holy Sepulchre around 5:50am and again it was quiet. We went straight to the tomb and it was then I realized we were having mass INSIDE the tomb. I had thought we were going to have it in a chapel next to the tomb, but thanks be to God, we celebrated mass in a most sacred spot. A spot where we have commemorated the resurrection for over a thousand years.  Millions of pilgrims have come to this spot and you feel the universality of our faith here.

It was an emotional mass, especially during the reading of the Gospel, and included many special prayer intentions. The sun had risen when we came out of the tomb and it was a glorious day. The group was excited from this experience, which was good because we had quite a day ahead of us.

We headed for the Western Wall to pray. Some had written prayers to put in the cracks of the walls, as is the tradition. Of all of the places we visit this is the most powerful for me. I don't need to try to pray here, the prayer comes to me. It was awesome.

We then walked through a recently excavated tunnel which goes along the length of the Western Wall below the Muslim Quarter. There are stones that are larger then stones used to build the pyramids. When we came above ground we were near the Damascus gate and walked back to our hotel for a satisfying breakfast. It was a whole day in just a morning. We didn't need any more exercise, but after a rest we ventured out for more, but those stories will have to wait for another day.

City of David

Now that's a good name for city!

In the Tomb

Sunrise mass. What an experience.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Shepherd's Fields in Bethleham

Mike Houghtaling, our birthday boy today, read from the Gospel of Luke the account of the angels visiting the shepherds. When I first suggested he read the gospel because we were at a quiet spot, he balked saying he wanted to do it in a more authentic spot. Once I realized that we were on the edge of the Judean Desert, but the grass was lush and green and drip irrigation pipes were running everywhere I started to understand. We ventured closer to the actual fields and he read the account.

He then shared a reflection with us on how the fields in Israel are not like what we think of as a pasture in the US. The fields are mainly rocks with sparse vegetation in between. The shepherd doesn't herd the flock, but leads it along well worn paths in the fields. Much how Jesus lights the way along the path of righteousness.

We are pretty tired and going to hit the hay early. We have mass at 6am in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the we are going to tour the tunnel along the Western Wall, and then walk back to the hotel for breakfast. What a start to the day.

Thanks to all who are praying for us. We are raising you up in our prayers and everything is going well.

Palm Sunday

We are walking down the Mount of Olives towards Jerusalem.

Border crossing at Bethlehem

A Happy Olive Wood Salesman

Boosting the Bethlehem economy.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Excitement on Mt. Tabor

Today's blog will be short. Too many laptops at the hotel and no wireless spots left, so I am writing this from my phone.

We celebrated mass in the Elijah chapel in the Church of the Transfiguration on Mt.Tabor. Excitement again comes into play as the disciples want to erect booths to honor Jesus, Elijah, and Moses. Jesus reins them in and tells them that there is a greater mission to be completed. Were they disappointed that they couldn't stay to celebrate this incredible event?

This makes me think about what I do. Is it in God's plan, or is it something that is going to distract me?

Our ride down the mount was also exciting as a cab driver that loves his job gave us a thrill flying down the switchbacks.

We then made our way to the coast, down to Tel Aviv and then ascended into Jerusalem.  We walked the streets tonight and can't wait to head out on Monday.

Caeserea Maritime

Touring a theater built by Herod the Great.

Aquaduct at Caeserea

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Photos from Day 2

The Bazaar in Nazareth 

View from Mount Precipice

Nazarene Butcher

Friendly Local in Cana

Renewal of Wedding Vows in Cana Today

Two years and 1 week ago today I was a witness to the renewal of wedding vows of my fellow pilgrims at Cana. It was a special moment for the couples that were there, more than a few tears were shed, and I knew then that someday I was going to bring Donna here to celebrate our marriage.

It wasn't easy to convince her to make a trip to the Holy Land. I started the week after I got back.  She is much more practical minded and wanted to wait until the everyone was out of the house. After much encouraging and over a year later she changed her mind.

Flash forward to today and we were standing there holding our hands and renewing our vows in Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle. After 25 years you understand a lot better what those vows truly mean and quite a few tears were shed. Marriage hasn't been an easy vocation for us, but our love is still strong and God is truly present in our marriage. 

The reception tonight was great. Sitting with our friends on the patio with a couple of bottles of Cana's finest, pretzels & crackers. The lights twinkling around the shore of the Sea of Galilee made it magical. The excitement from the day has carried over into our laughing and story telling. I can't imagine how excited those wedding guests must of been when Jesus turned the water into the finest wine. Did they understand what had just happened? Did anyone try to take one of the clay jugs home with them? I know that would have been my thought.

I pray that the excitement I see around me today will be long lasting and shared with many. Also, I pray that having shared this excitement with Donna will make our marriage grow stronger.

Making friends

Don't be jealous Vic, you aren't going to be replaced. These are outside cats we are finding.

On Mt. Carmel

Reading about Elijah confronting the prophets of Baal.

Tomb with rolling stone

Same time period as Jesus.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Photos from Day 1

On the Sea of Galilee

Watching the Sunset

The Excitement Continues

Today was a busy day. 7 stops with reading, reflecting and devouring knowledge.

The theme that has kept popping up in my reflections has been excitement. My excitement, the excitement of my fellow pilgrims, the excitement 2000 years ago of the residents of the Galilee region. We started our journey by taking a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. You can see little villages that dot the hills in the area, and I could imagine the word spreading from village to village about a messiah being in the area.

We stopped at the Church of the Beatitudes and read the beatitudes while looking over a natural theater setting next to the Sea of Galilee. How did those people feel when they heard Jesus' message? I am sure that some were angry because they wanted a messiah to lead a violent revolution, others were probably uneasy at his message because it made them uncomfortable, or excited because the message resonated with them. This made me think about how his message makes me feel and especially what does my response need to be.

We also went to Tagbha which is where we commemorate the feeding of the multitudes. Again, I thought of the excitement of the crowd that would traverse around the Sea of Galilee to meet up with Jesus. What were they thinking? What were their needs? What did their children think of all of this? Was there a family like mine in the crowd? For me this story makes me reflect on the trust I have in the Lord. The disciples had to trust that they could feed 5,000 with a few loaves of bread and some fish. This made me reflect on things in my life that I am reluctant to turn over to God. Why don't I trust 100%?

We are having a great time and the weather is incredible. We got back early today and we enjoyed a sunset over the Sea of Galilee sitting in our deck chairs. Wish you were here.

I will upload some pictures later. Supper is served.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 1 & 2 - Getting There

We started off the trip in a fun fashion thanks to super traveler Kristie Shoulders. Even though she isn't on the trip her mother, Peg Lent, is and brought along a fun trivia game that we all got to be successful at. David Munn was the winner of the grand prize and appreciated his granola bars on the trip over.

The trip over was very smooth. We arrived at our resort on the Sea of Galilee at 7:30pm, we were tired after a 22 hour trip, but quickly bounced back after a delicious supper. Kevin Snyder approved the place after his first plate of food. We were able to try things we hadn't before like braised fennel and baby eggplant.

Thank you for all of your prayers. Tomorrow we start off with a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee and will end up with a renewal of our baptism vows in the Jordan River, and much in between. We are planning on getting back to enjoy a sunset on the Sea of Galilee.