Friday, January 16, 2009

"I am the Lord's servant"

We visited the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth today. When I walked it to the basilica it was overwhelming. It was modern yet beautiful and had mosaics of Mary from countries all over the world. We celebrated Mass in the lower church next to the grotto where the Annunciation has been recognized to have happened since the 4th century. We talked about how we can be a willing servant of God and do his will.

We later proceeded to Jerusalem. It is Shabbat (sabbath) for the practicing Jews which means they can't press elevator buttons. It struck me as humorous to find them standing in an elevator waiting for someone to come in that can push a button. They can thank the rabbis at Tiberious (which we visited last night) whom created the Talmud for that decision.


  1. Thanks for taking the time to update your blog regularly to let us know where you are. Our family has enjoyed reading to find out what Grandma Great Tyler (Dorothy) is doing. Enjoy your trip! We love you Grandma! Nathan, Alecia, Gavin, Whittney, and Aleigha

  2. Have really been enjoying your blog. Shabbat Shalom

  3. Dave,

    We really enjoy reading your entries and appreciate the time you are taking to keep us all updated!

    The Snoddy's

  4. What a wonderful application of technology.
    It means a lot to people to feel connected with you all as you travel.
    I was able to read entries to the Wednesday morning Mass crowd.

    Fr. Dan, we are getting a nice rental fee for your room (LOL!). Actually, you will be happy to know I have managed to take down most of the Christmas decorations.

    Fr. Steve

  5. It's absolutely wonderful to be sharing your travels via this blog. We join many others in praying for your safety, along with good health and an abundance of energy. And Barb H., we look forward to hearing more about your travels when you get home.

    We are happy and excited for all of you on this journey. Spiritually, it must be absolutely joyful. Mary & Gayle H.
